
Planting Prescription Map

Planting Prescription Map

Bob Hustedt loading the variable-rate planter

Bob Hustedt loading a variable-rate planter


Hustedt Farms uses the latest variable rate technology. This is the process of putting seed, fertilizer, and chemicals in allocated locations according to the requirements of the soil to produce optimum yield. Other kinds of new technology such as genetically modified seeds; chemicals and the latest advancement in farm equipment are also used.

Our farming success begins with detailed GPS -based soil prescription maps. Using past yield data as a basis for calculations, these multi-layered maps help to determine a variety of different things, from where to apply fertilizer, to what variety of seed to use, to how densely to plan seed.  A major benefit of using these yield maps is that it gives the ability to control seed costs with variable-rate planters. This way, planting can occur exactly in each area based on what the expected yield will be. Many farmers are just now discovering the power of this technology, but Hustedt Farms has already used this technique for the last then years.

Hustedt Farms is constantly looking toward the future to find the latest in technology to lower costs and benefit the landowners. Currently, the latest seed treatments are being tested such as drought resistant corn, water management, and nutrient holding abilities. Farming has changed a lot over the past 70 years, and Hustedt Farms will continue to remain on the cutting edge of technology to protect the environment and produce higher yields.


New variable-rate planter in 2014!

New variable-rate planter in 2014!